About Us
Calera Main Street
Calera Main Street is a nonprofit organization that seeks to stimulate revitalization in downtown Calera, Alabama while maintaining a focus on historic preservation. The program brings together public-private partnerships, community engagement, and strategies that create jobs, spark new investment, attract visitors, and spur growth. Building on history, culture, and local attributes, Calera Main Street is committed to increasing the economic vibrancy of Downtown Calera by working on recruitment, facilitation, and aiding businesses and investors interested in the downtown area. The primary focus of this initiative is to increase awareness of the district and its businesses to facilitate their strength and vibrancy.
Calera Main Street works in concert with the City of Calera and partners such as The Shelby County Chamber, 58 Inc., and a number of local corporate and individual sponsors.
Main Street programs are more than just making downtown look better and hosting great events. At its core, Main Street is an economic development tool that enhances the tax base of a community, fosters entrepreneurship, and creates partnerships within the community.
Calera is proud to be a Main Street Alabama Designated Community and an Accredited Member of the Main Street America Network. Main Street AmericaTM has been helping revitalize older and historic commercial districts for more than 35 years. Today it is a network of more than 1,600 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, who share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. Main Street America is a program of the nonprofit National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Below you will find some helpful links.
City of Calera http://cityofcalera.org/
Shelby County http://www.discovershelby.com/
The Shelby County Chamber https://shelbychamber.org/
Alabama Tourism Department http://alabama.travel/
EDPA https://edpa.org/
Main Street Alabama http://www.mainstreetalabama.org/
Main Street America https://www.mainstreet.org/home
National Trust for Historic Preservation http://www.preservationnation.org/

We Are Downtown Calera
We are built on connections. Quarries here mined the lime essential for iron and steel production fueling America’s Industrial Revolution. Railroads here carried lime throughout the country. Calera’s central location in Alabama made it a railroad crossroads, a distinction known both to our museum’s visitors and our citizens who experience it every day. We connect industry with commerce. Our city sprung up around the railroads and soon Calera’s downtown blossomed into a hub of activity with hotels, shops, restaurants, schools and the incorporation of the city in the 1880’s. Our downtown continued to prosper with activity as our community grew through the decades.
We connect through diversity. Today, Calera thrives as a place where people from all backgrounds and experiences discover a community that revels in our welcoming character, our progressive spirit, and comfortable pace. People find Calera for our schools, our neighborhoods, and our growing options for dining, shopping, and services.
We connect through families. As one of Alabama’s youngest and fastest growing cities we center our daily lives around our children who are the future of Calera. Eagle pride rings true with the young and the young at heart, and it is here that we gather for sports, performances, and activities centered on family life.
We continue to connect community. Today, downtown Calera is undergoing a dramatic transformation. As our community has grown, we look to our past as a key to our future. Our historic downtown is emerging again as a place where entrepreneurs thrive, families gather, and prospects for the future are bright.
We invite you to make your connection to downtown. Explore our shops, enjoy our restaurants, and experience our events.
We are downtown Calera: Feel the Connection