Entertainment District
Welcome to Calera’s Downtown Entertainment District!
The Entertainment District allows for patrons within the District to leave downtown restaurants and bars with open containers of purchased alcohol during set hours and walk freely around the downtown district. The Calera City Council passed Ordinance 2023-17, an Ordinance to Establish an Entertainment District in the City of Calera, on August 21, 2023.
Patrons are expected to stay within the district and to follow the following guidelines:
Hours: Daily 12:00 pm to 12:00 am.
Stay within the Entertainment District. Cups must be disposed of before leaving the district and before entering any establishment.
No BYOB. All alcoholic beverages must be obtained from a licensed vendor in the Entertainment District.
All alcoholic beverages must be contained in an approved 16oz or smaller container with the District logo.
Only one open container per person permitted.
Be respectful. Please clean up after yourself and dispose of empty cups in trash cans.
Any individual that violates any of the above regulations is in violation of city code and subject to arrest or citation.